Our academic goal is to give the students the tools that they need for independent learning. To come to realizations and knowledge on their own through specifically designed lessons that have the girls working in groups, delving into course material, and creating projects. At Orot Sara we level our high school classes to ensure that each student is being challenged at her own academic level. We offer AP classes, and many college accredited courses and we offer the maximum amount of college credits allowed in a high school to give our students a head start in their college careers. Girls who maintain an average of 90 and above are recognized each term how?
Concurrent with our academic goals are our spiritual aspirations for our girls. We strive to ignite their individual love and connection to Hashem, the mitzvoth and am yisrael. We work hard to help each girl develop her own path to serving Hashem.
Through their Hebrew curriculum classes, teachers impart the lessons and qualities of a true Bat Yisrael. Lessons are taught not merely as knowledge but as Torah guidance for a fulfilling life. Another fundamental aspect of our Judaic Studies curriculum is to teach them the techniques of reading, understanding, and analyzing the Torah texts and commentaries, which will enable them to continue learning after High School.
Our high school experience would not be complete without our superb extra-curricular program. Our girls have the opportunity to shine on stage in our professional productions and to get creative in various yearly events like Shabbaton, chagigot, and melava malkas. Our chessed breakout gets the girls excited and committed to doing chessed throughout the year. They can count hundreds of hours of chessed including the Maimonides Feeding Program, mother’s helpers, tutoring, volunteering with special needs children, cooking for the food pantry, and more.
At Orot Sarah high school we pride ourselves on instilling true Torah values through the colorful prism of learning and proper hashkafat hachayim. Our goal is to enable our girls to reach their academic and spiritual potential and build a foundation for their future through a passion for growth, self-improvement, awareness and a deep, life-long connection to Hashem. Our courses are taught by our esteemed community Rabbi’s whom our students are so privileged to learn from. Upon graduating from this outstanding experience, our students are ready to thrive as leaders of their own homes as well as of our community.