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Our Programs

Elementary Division

Judaic Studies Department

  • Performances: Every grade has the opportunity to star in at least one major performance every year including Siddur, Chumash, and Middot plays. Girls sing, dance and act against original backdrops and sets that they create. Parents are always delighted when their girls captivate an entire audience, and the girls are oh, so proud! 

  • Seniut Program: It is vital to us that our students take pride in their role as a Bnot Yisrael and are equipped to face an oppositional world with pride and courage. Through our unmatched Seniut program, we give them the foundations of understanding the uniqueness of who they are. In grades 1-4 the girls learn through workshops, stories, songs, and a beautiful Seniut performance. 
    In upper elementary, the dynamic discussions and thought-provoking workshops ensure that our girls are thinking, asking questions, and getting answers. 

  • G.O. Rosh Chodesh assemblies

  • Melave Malka

  • Chanuka and Purim Chagigot

  • Mother/Daughter Tea

  • Shabbaton

  • Meaningful Bat Mitzva Program culminating in an elaborate celebration

  • School-wide Erev Shabbat Program - welcoming Shabbat through song

  • Oneg Shabbat hosted by teachers

English Studies Department

  • Special Projects/Activities that encourage hands-on experiences, such as Social Studies and Science Fairs, our beautiful Heritage Fair and exciting campaigns, displays and plays.

  • Art Programs:
    We bring in various art instructors on Rosh Chodesh so that our students can enjoy and tap into their creative sides. Painting, food decorating, drawing, and mosaics are some of the activities our girls look forward to, and we look forward to seeing their talents come to life!

  • Dance:
    At BYOS, Dance is a combination of music, movement & joy. A focus is on simcha-dancing, where the girls learn dances to songs that are played at semahot. 

  • Music

  • Have you noticed the music in our halls? That's because Orot Sarah is a happy place to be! At BYOS, we keep to the beat twice a week with our two beloved veteran music teachers. Hilariously funny, they infuse  much spirit into their musical activities! In addition, Rabbi David Jemal is a much-awaited figure before holidays, when he comes to teach us songs and prayers in Syrian tradition & melody. 

  • Educational trips

  • Academic and Social/Emotional Services:

    • Supervised SETTS providers

    • Title I instruction

    • Speech and Language Development

    • Social Skills Workshops- teaching students skills and concepts like healthy  social roles, growth mindset, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

High School Division

Judaic Studies Department

  • Mechanechet Program- Each grade consults with a different teacher/mentor that is specifically designated to providing guidance, support, and connection

  • Chesed Program- Instilling a love of chesed and finding the time to do it responsibly

  • Special Assemblies and Rosh Chodesh speakers, inspiring life long connection Hashem

  • Bekiut- self-study of halachot pertaining to upcoming Yamim Tovim

  • Hanhagat Bat Yisrael Program- developing self-esteem and pride in our role as Bnot Yisroel

  • Kedushat Habayit- a Senior preparation class for life and marriage

  • Historia- including the "History of Allepo," instilling pride in our rich Sephardic heritage

  • Erev Shabbat Assembly- welcoming Shabbat through song and student presentation
  • Senior Churban Europe Presentation- remembering, learning and transmitting positive messages to future generation

  • Educational Trips reinforcing and allowing classroom lessons to come alive

English Studies Department

  • Computer Technology- offering courses in Concepts, Office, Graphic Design, QuickBooks

  • Life Skill Development Courses- CLUBS: students discover and develop talents that can lead to a future parnassa. Hair and wig styling makeup application, cake decorating, art, sewing, interior design, photography, keyboard, choir

  • SAT Prep in Vocabulary and Math

  • Class Tracking and Differentiated Instruction

  • Electives in Nutrition, CPR/First Aid, Finance

  • Independent Current Events and Student Response Program

  • Debate Program

  • Student Publication- Koleinu Newsletter

  • Student Library

  • College Recruitment Speakers

Socio-Emotional & Educational Support System

  • Social Worker- providing on-site counseling and workshops for students, professional development  for staff, and parental guidance

  • Technology Coach- raising student awareness about the dangers of the negative influence of the Internet

  • Language Therapy- addressing student language based challenges

  • SETTS Instruction- providing supervised small group instruction, parallel and simultaneous to our other classes, as well as after school

  • Title I Instruction- providing additional Math/Literacy instruction

  • Post-High School Seminary, College Planning and Placement- exploring, researching and discussing seminary/college and career choices with each student

"We at Sephardic Bikur Holim have an ongoing working relationship with the administration of Orot Sarah​. They partner with us to bring our various programs into the school in order to recreate a nurturing environment for each and every one of their students. Orot Sarah has perfected the balance of progressive Bet Yaakov with traditional values."

Contact Us

© Copyright 2020

Bet Yaakov Orot Sarah

Tel: 718-627-8758



1123 Avenue N

Brooklyn, NY 11230

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